Below are sermons that cover a range of topics aimed at inspiring, educating, and uplifting our congregation. Explore the messages shared by our speakers to deepen your spiritual journey and connection within our community. We look forward to seeing you all on the following Sunday's!
Sept. 1 Communion Sunday
Scripture: James 1: 17-27 (Everything good comes from God, be ‘Do-ers’ of the Way, not just ‘Hearers’).
Preacher: Rev. Kathy
Sermon Title: ‘Carrying God Within You”
Following God’s Way changes us, and it changes the world. Everyone can follow the Way of God, and while being Christian helps me on the Way, other followers are on a different path. Listen within and follow!
Sept. 8. Gathering Sunday – New Member Sunday - Bluegrass Sunday!!!
Bring your Water from Home or Travels, and Food for the Potluck!
Scripture: James 2: 1-9, 14-17 (Do not show partiality, but ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’)
Preacher: Rev. Kathy
Sermon Title: How Do We Love…Really?
Gathering Sunday! New Members, Potluck, a Great Day for All! Come, celebrate with us as we worship together, eat, see old friends, and welcome new ones!
Sept. 15 – Welcome Back, Choir!
Scripture: Mark 7: 24-35 Art: Gospel from Last week (A woman argues with Jesus and convinces him to heal her daughter, then he heals a man who could not hear).
Preacher: Rev. Kathy
Sermon Title: “Be Open!”
This is a great story of how a woman changed Jesus! Here is a wonderful example of how opening ourselves to others can be transformative, and Jesus is the one who shows us how.
Let’s open ourselves to how the Spirit of Transformation can work in our lives today!
Sept. 22
Scriptures: James 3: 13-4:2a (Show by your good life that your works are don with gentleness born of wisdom) & Mark 9: 33-37 (The disciples are arguing who is the greatest; Jesus holds a small child and says, ‘Whoever welcomes someone like this, welcomes me.’)
Preacher: Rev. Kathy
Sermon Title: “Live as you believe!”
How do we live without conflict, or at least stupid conflict? What impact does it have on the world, on our relationships, and in our own hearts? Jesus and James invite us to a deeper and more healthy, holistic way of life.
Sept. 29
Scripture: Mark 10: 17-31 Art: Gospel from Oct. 13 (Everyone who leaves everything for my sake and for the sake of the good news, will receive a hundredfold now and in the age to come).
Preacher: Rev. Kathy
Sermon Title: “Is It Really Worth It?”
Jesus talks about leaving everything for the sake of himself and the Gospel. We are not itinerant disciples, nor are we meant to be. Can we live the way he asks? Yes, we can, and it’s a great life!
Oct. 6 Communion Sunday
Scriptures: Psalm 8 (What are human beings, that you are mindful of them, mortals, that you care for them?) and Genesis 2: 18-24 (God makes companions for us, so that we are not alone).