Immigrant welcoming
We, the congregation of Robbinsdale United Church of Christ, Robbinsdale, MN, covenant with the Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ, our Creator God, and all migrants to be an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation.
Land use statement
Robbinsdale Parkway UCC stands in solidarity with the Indigenous community, friends, neighbors and caretakers of air, land and water.
Open and affirming
In the spirit of the 15th and the 23rd General Synods of the United Church of Christ, Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ covenants to be open and affirming to all people, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, and questioning people.
Racial justice
Robbinsdale Parkway UCC, affirms that Black Lives Matter and supports movements that work toward equality and equity for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and commits to expressing that support whenever and wherever possible through our signage, website, media presence, and hiring practices, as well as in our worship, biblical interpretation, and youth and children’s programs.