
Racial justice
Robbinsdale Parkway UCC, affirms that Black Lives Matter and supports movements that work toward equality and equity for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and commits to expressing that support whenever and wherever possible through our signage, website, media presence, and hiring practices, as well as in our worship, biblical interpretation, and youth and children’s programs.
Robbinsdale Parkway UCC, affirms that Black Lives Matter and supports movements that work toward equality and equity for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and commits to expressing that support whenever and wherever possible through our signage, website, media presence, and hiring practices, as well as in our worship, biblical interpretation, and youth and children’s programs; and
Our congregation’s repentance (a clear and targeted apology for harms done and a pledge not to repeat them), which is the central practice of reparation*, and pledges to undergo a study of reparations and what we can do to repair our own explicit and implicit story of racism; and
Robbinsdale Parkway UCC seeks to become an anti-racist congregation, and will actively seek ways to educate and prepare ourselves for future acts of justice and love, including engaging in a Sacred Conversation on Race using the UCC’s Let’s Talk curriculum, calling into leadership our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, joining the Secret Solidarity Network, and lifting up the stories, music, and experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, in order to develop and refine practices of repair on the way to reconciliation.
Power in Numbers